Adventure is a library for server-controllable user interface elements in Minecraft. For a guide on how to use Adventure, check out the Adventure documentation.
What is an Audience?
The following, taken from the Adventure documentation, describes the concept of an Audience
As an API,
is designed to be a universal interface for any player, command sender, console, or otherwise who can receive text, titles, boss bars, and other Minecraft media. This allows extending audiences to cover more than one individual receiver - possible “audiences” could include a team, server, world, or all players that satisfy some predicate (such as having a certain permission). The universal interface also allows reducing boilerplate by gracefully degrading functionality if it is not applicable.
Put simply, every class that implements Audience
, or one of the subtypes, provides access to the full Adventure API.
In Minestom, the following classes are audiences:
, andTeam
This means that if you have an instance of any one of these classes, you can use the full Adventure API to, for example, show a title to every member of the audience. This allows for more powerful and direct control over how you communicate with players.
Obtaining Audiences
As mentioned in the previous section, some Minestom classes implement Audience
directly. This means that if you have a reference to, for example, an Instance
, you can simply use the Adventure API on that instance. As an example, the following code would be used to send a message to all players in an instance:
Minestom also provides a way to obtain audiences through the Audiences
class. The following code provides an example of how this class would be used in your project:
The Audiences
class also provides a players(Predicate)
function that allows you to collect an audience of players that match a specific predicate. For example, this could be used to check permissions before sending a broadcast. Additionally, if you would like access to each audience as an iterable, you can instead use the IterableAudienceProvider
, an instance of which can be obtained using Audiences#iterable()
Custom audiences
The Audiences
class also provides the ability to add custom audience members identified by a Key
. This could be used to add an audience for file logging or a ForwardingAudience
representing a custom collection of players. Audiences can be registered using the AudienceRegistry
, an instance of which can be obtained using Audiences#registry()
. For example, if you wanted to share a collection of staff members to send alerts to between plugins, this could be done using the following code:
You can also create your own Audience
, use the Adventure method Audience.audience(Iterable)
or the Minestom PacketGroupingAudience.of()
method to create an audience backed on an iterable object. This means that you could register a custom audience backed by a collection that you continue to update and the changes will be reflected when anyone uses the custom methods.
The all()
and of(Predicate)
methods will collect every custom audience using streams, and combine this with the server audience. Such an operation is relatively costly, so should be avoided where possible.
Packet grouping
Minestom also provides a new ForwardingAudience
implementation called PacketGroupingAudience
. This is implemented by every audience in Minestom that has multiple players. Instead of the normal ForwardingAudience
implementation that iterates through the audience members, this implementation uses PacketUtils#sendGroupedPacket(Collection, ServerPacket)
to attempt to send a grouped packet to all of the players in this audience.
To create your own PacketGroupingAudience
, you can use the static of(Collection)
and of(Iterable)
methods in the class which return an instance of PacketGroupingAudience
when provided a group of players.
In addition, the Viewable
class includes two methods to obtain the viewers of the viewable object as an audience. This means that you can use the full Adventure API on the viewers of a viewable object. For example, to send a message to everyone who can view a player in the old API you would do:
With the Adventure API you can simply do:
The added benefit of using the audience provided by the Viewable
Class is that it implements PacketGroupingAudience
which means the outgoing packets are grouped where possible, reducing networking overhead when compared to the looping method of sending messages.
Alongside the deprecation of the Minestom ChatColor
class, a new color
package has been created to replace all existing usage of the ChatColor
class. These new classes are an accurate representation of how Minecraft stores colors for certain objects and allows for proper validation, preventing developers from applying styles to colorable objects at compile-time.
The base class is the Color
class is a general purpose class for representing RGB colors, similar to java.awt.Color
. As this class implements Adventure's RGBLike
interface, it can be used anywhere in the Adventure API that requires coloring (e.g. component text). A new addition to this class is the mixWith
method which mixes this color with a series of other RGBLike
colors to create a new color using the same method that vanilla Minecraft uses to mix dyes and colors.
There is also one additional color class; DyeColor
. This enum represents the different colors of the dyes within Minecraft and provides values for each of the different vanilla dye types. This class includes a method to get the RGB color of the dye and the equivalent firework color. As with the Color
class, this class also implements RGBLike
so it can also be used throughout the Adventure API.
The Adventure update in Minestom adds the SerializationManager
class, a powerful and feature-rich way to control the flow of component translation. Adventure provides the concept of a GlobalTranslator
. By supplying sources, a collection of key-value pairs, you can perform server-side translations without any additional code or complicated localization libraries.
To enable automatic component translation, you need to set the constant SerializationManager#AUTOMATIC_COMPONENT_TRANSLATION
to true
. With this set, any components that are being sent to players will be translated using their locale automatically.
Additionally, the SerializationManager
provides access to the serializer used to convert all components to JSON strings. By default, the serializer is a Function<Component, String>
that uses Adventure's GsonComponentSerializer
to serialize a component into a JSON string using the GSON library. However, you can mutate this serializer or change it completely.
For example, if you wanted to replace all instances of the word "dog" with "cat" every single time a component is serialized, you could use the following code:
Migrating to Adventure
The Adventure update in Minestom replaces and deprecates a lot of old functionality existing in Minestom. This section of the wiki will explain how to migrate your code to use the new Adventure API.
Boss Bar
The net.minestom.server.bossbar
package has been entirely deprecated. To create a boss bar you should instead use the static builder methods in the Adventure BossBar
class. For example, with the old API you might do:
With the Adventure API you would instead do:
As before, any changes made to the boss bar will be automatically propagated to all those who have been added to a boss bar.
With the old API you would display a WrittenBookMeta
to a player using Player#openBook(WrittenBookMeta)
. This has been replaced with Player#openBook(Book)
. The Book
component can be constructed using the builder methods as described in the documentation.
In order to prevent name clashes and to more accurately represent the contents of the enum, the generated Sound
enum has been renamed to SoundEvent
. This is because the values for the enum do not represent specific sounds, rather representing events that are linked to one or more specific sounds. For more information about sound events, see the Minecraft Wiki page on sound events.
The Minestom SoundCategory
has been deprecated in favor of Adventure's Sound.Source
enum. To play a sound, you need to construct a Sound
object. This can be done using the methods described in the documentation. In addition, instead of using an Adventure Key
you can instead pass a SoundEvent
into any places in the Adventure sound API that accept a supplier of Sound.Type
. Sound objects can also be stored and used multiple times.
For example, in the old API you would use the following code:
With Adventure you would use the following code:
Additionally, you can now stop specific sounds constructing a SoundStop
object and passing that to a player using Player#stopSound
. This StopSound
object can be used to stop all sounds, usingSoundStop#all()
, in addition to specific sounds, using SoundStop#named(SoundEvent)
or SoundStop#named(Key)
, or specific sounds in specific sources, using the previous methods with an additional Sound.Source
The biggest difference between the old chat API and Adventure is that in Adventure, chat components are immutable. This means that any methods used on components do not change the component and instead return a new component. This is explained more on the Adventure documentation.
package has been entirely deprecated. To construct message you should instead use the Component
class and its builder methods as discussed in the Adventure documentation. However, JsonMessage
does implement the Adventure interface ComponentLike
. This means that you can use JsonMessage
and all its subtypes throughout the Adventure API within Minestom. You can also use JsonMessage#fromComponent(Component)
to convert an Adventure component to a JsonMessage
, allowing you to use new Adventure components with the old Minestom chat API.
Another difference between the old chat API and Adventure is that you cannot use colors inside a string to create messages. In the old API you could do ChatColor.RED + "some text"
. This is not possible with Adventure as it does not properly represent how text is stored in Minecraft. Instead, you can set the style of components using the methods found in the Component
class, such as Component.text(String, TextColor)
, or by setting the style using the Style
Adventure also splits the old API's ChatColor
class into classes for TextColor
and TextDecoration
. TextDecoration
can also be negated, meaning you can remove styles from nested components whilst not impacting components that may follow this one. The old ChatColor
class has been deprecated and replaced with new classes for Color
and DyeColor
across the Minestom codebase. Both of these implement RgbLike
and can be used to color Adventure components.
Hover and click events can be added to any Component
using .hoverEvent()
and .clickEvent
. Instead of using ChatHoverEvent.showItem(ItemStack)
you can instead put an ItemStack
directly into the argument of a hover event. For example, in the old chat API you would do:
However, with the Adventure API you can simply do:
The methods used to send titles to players have been deprecated and replaced with Adventure methods. The multiple different messages have been replaced with the two Adventure methods #sendTitle(Title)
and #showActionBar(Component)
Titles can be constructed using the methods documented in the Adventure documentation.
For example, with the old API you would do:
However, with the Adventure API you would do:
Last updated
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